Greetings to all LCI lovers!
The next National Reunion for the USS Landing Craft Infantry National Association quickly approaches. It will be hosted by the Amphibious Forces Memorial Museum –home of LCI 713. Rick Holmes and the crew of LCI 713 have worked very hard to organize this reunion. Their effort is a fine example of the alliance between our two organizations – both dedicated to preserve the legacy of LCIs and their crews. A preliminary head count of those planning to attend the reunion promises a very good turnout. You just can’t diminish the enthusiasm of LCI lovers!
We are returning to a Spring schedule for our National Reunion as we did for many years before venturing into joint reunions with other amphibious organizations. Our reunion in Portland in May will be the only National Reunion held in 2017, so please do not miss the opportunity to chat with LCIers on a real LCI.
There will be plenty of opportunity for LCIers, friends and family to muster together and to enjoy the beauty of Oregon. The LCIers will be briefed at the business meeting in regards to the thriving financial status of our all-volunteer Association and the close bond we have with the Amphibious Forces Memorial Museum. We are looking forward to answering your questions and receiving your input at this meeting. This is YOUR Association. Have a safe journey and we will see you soon in Portland!
John France President,
USS LCI National Association