By Jeff Veesenmeyer
20 Years Ago – Elsie Item #29
Our 9th reunion at Louisville is now history, it was indeed a very enjoyable and successful reunion. Our attendance was greater than expected with 760 people attending, there were 428 members and as usual over 30 walk-in’s.
The paragraph above was how LCI President Robert Weisser began the June 1999 issue of Elsie Item. There have been many changes since then. A sad change is knowing there will never be another reunion with that many attendees.
A glad change is in knowing the legacy of those past members will never be forgotten. In the June 1999 issue, it was also announced that our LCI website had been launched. It was a back then. Today our website is at It is designed and managed by board member Stan Galik and his son. They’ve done a phenomenal job.
Websites and museums are where the legacy and history of LCI ships and sailors will live on for the next generation. For starters, you’ll find a complete issue of every Elsie Item ever published. There are 103 issues posted now, from 1991 through 2018. You can search for names, places and ships that were in Elsie Item articles over the past 28 years!
But the website has so much more. When you click on the drop down, “Other Research Sources,” you’ll gain access to dozens of Research Tools. There are links to photo archives, oral histories and how-to obtain military records. Here are some examples.
Veterans History Project
The Veterans History Project of the American Folklife Center collects, preserves, and makes accessible the personal accounts of American war veterans so that future generations may hear directly from veterans and better understand the realities of war. Sailors that served on Landing Craft Infantry are highlighted. Here is one oral history example from James A. Rogers LCI(L) 527. – June 6th, 1944. Sighted French coast at dawn and began circling in the transport area about 10 miles off Utah Beach awaiting orders.
These organizations are listed to help you find military documents and information
Obtaining Records For A LCI
To obtain official documents for each LCI, send a written request to…
National Archives at College Park
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD 20740-6001
Toll Free Customer Service: (866) 272-6272
Hours: Monday – Saturday, 9AM – 5PM (Closed Sundays and Federal Holidays)
LCI WWII records are also accessible online with a paid annual membership at