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LCI 226LCI(L)Story Archive

Emergency Surgery on LCI 226

By Kim Kromer

Capt. Hime S. Poliner, former Easton physician, now in the U.S. Army Medical Corps in the Pacific,has received another citation for his surgical work, this time for performing an appendectomy under difficult conditions on an LCI(L). This operation, to the best knowledge of the commander, is the first of its kind ever performed on such a ship. According to the citation signed by Lieut. George Linton Jr., USNR, commanding the ship, the patient was Pfc. Darrel Oldridge, U.S. Army.

The patient complained of sharp abdominal pains while the ship was of Mindoro Islands, Philippine Islands, on April 11 last.

The citation then continues: “Capt. Hime Poliner, M.C., being the only physician on board the ship, examined the patient and diagnosed the complaint as acute gangrenous appendicitis, necessitating an immediate appendectomy.” Aided by a Navy Pharmacist Mate, Dr. Poliner made preparations for the operation, which took place on a table in the crew’s messing place on board the ship. The operation was conducted by Dr. Poliner with skill and success under what would normally be considered adverse circumstances. Upon removal the appendix proved to be in an advanced gangrenous condition and had the operation not been performed, would unquestionably have burst in a matter of hours.” Lieut. Linton, who wrote the citation, administered the ether anesthesia.

In the concluding paragraph of the citation, which is addressed to the commanding officer of the 25th Medical Battalion, U.S. Army, Lieut. Linton wrote: “It is the desire of this command to commend Dr. Poliner to his superior officers for the prompt and skillful action taken by him under these somewhat unique circumstances, as the appendectomy performed by Dr. Poliner is, to the best knowledge of this command, the first operation of its kind performed aboard an LCI(L).”Last August, Capt. Poliner also received a commendation for his work while temporarily attached to the general hospital in the Southwest Pacific. Capt. Poliner is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Poliner, of Pan Argyl,. He entered service in December 1942. He practices in Easton, where he maintained an office and he also was assistant to Dr. Paul Correll, chief of the surgical staff of Easton Hospital.


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