All aboard!
  1. Dan Eberhart

    I have just discovered your group, and am extremely interested in attending your 2018 reunion as my father served on the 744 in WWII. Do you have an idea of the schedule of events for this year’s events?


    1. Stan Galik

      Dan: I will send you in a separate email a tentative schedule of events for the 28th annual USS LCI National Association reunion. When the agenda and events calendar is finalized we will post the information on this website and also in the Elsie Item Magazine or in a separate mailing.

    2. Richard Lovell

      The 2018 reunion in Portland Or on May 4-6 is finalized and posted on facebook for LCI National, Remembering the LCI Veterans, LCI713, and remembering the LSM/LSMR Veterans. Application and tour information and lodging info are all listed.

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